hypnosis slave dom plays with dolls

Jan 23 2016
sywbb // comments
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Stare into her glassy eyes.

Gawk at her enormous tits.

Let this perfect toy put you in a trance.

Deeper into her empty eyes.

Enslaved by the sight of her soft round tits.

This toy has trapped you, hypnotized and helpless.



Join her.

Via - Source

I….I want to join her…

@hypnosis-slave and I would, honestly, just fall to our knees and give up…makes me wonder what would REALLY happen if we found a pet; would we dominate her, or would we both end up at her feet drooling and kissing up her legs with a blank stare on our faces…?

The thought of us both surrendering to a Domme is so fucking hot to me

You two are adorable. If you do end up in this situation, I’ll take a copy of the video. ;)