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Who Wants To Know?

Feb 21 2023
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While rebuilding my site, I chose to unpublish a handful of blog posts. Most of what I publish here is smut—short or long kinky erotic fiction. Once in a while I’ve written a post that was about me, and more substantive than “I’m horny and want to …

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Why We Feel Alienated

Nov 15 2021
posts // 630 words // 3 min read // comments

This was originally a tweet, but I'm elevating it into an article, because I think it's useful.

Sort of, though I'm not sure why. But I voted "No".

I'm not surprised 75% of respondents voted "Yes", yet I'm not sure why that is, either. 🤔

— Mindlevel Zero (@mindlevelzero) November 14, 2021 …

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Spending Time on Kink; or, Porn vs. Playmates

Aug 25 2020
posts // 1,170 words // 5 min read // comments

I have been spending a lot of time on my hypnokink in the last few months.

I’ve been very fortunate to have no fewer than 3 frequent playmates in that time, and we talk a lot. Plus, I joined Twitter, and it’s a fun way to interact with …

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Two Types of Submission

Aug 18 2020
posts // 600 words // 3 min read // comments

I’ve been negotiating with some of my playmates how we can play together as a group. This is new ground for me, and it’s both exciting... and challenging.

I don’t have tons of experience with intense, ongoing D/s dynamics. I’ve done some of that, but …

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On Needs

Jul 31 2020
posts // 560 words // 3 min read // comments

Sometimes I wonder if I could be a good “top”.

See, I’m switchy. That doesn’t even really cover it, actually: “switchy” kind of suggests I might like switching sometimes. No. I need to be submissive. And I also need to be dominant. Yeah, I have a given mood …

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Hypnosis Experience: Post-Hypnotic Suggestions

Jul 2 2020
posts // 798 words // 4 min read // comments

I had one of my first experiences responding to a post-hypnotic suggestion the other day.

My playmate suggested that, when I came out of trance, I would answer any question she asked with “Yes”. I would only be able to answer “yes”, regardless of my actual opinion on the question …

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Metaphors First, Pocketwatch Later

Jan 22 2020
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Over the past quarter century—and it sounds ridiculous when I put it that way—I’ve spent about a million hours thinking, fantasizing, reading, and talking about hypnosis, but I’ve spent maybe a couple hours doing it.

At Charmed! this past weekend, I learned a lot. And the …

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Charmed! 2020 Con Log - Sunday

Jan 19 2020
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Last day of the con, and it was great. Got to hang out with some friends I’ve made, met some new people, and, indeed, practiced hypnosis (both sides) with someone. That’ll do for a first con experience, quite nicely. :)

Had dinner with some lovely folks, and might actually …

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Charmed! 2020 Log - So Very Tired 😅

Jan 18 2020
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You know, I do intend to share more of my experiences at this con. It’s been fun, and I’ve met a lot of cool people, including some I knew from the internet, and some whose handle I’ve seen on the EMCSA over the years!


But I …

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Charmed! 2020 Log - Thursday

Jan 16 2020
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The desire to avoid eye contact, to hide in my hotel room, is real. Can you relate? It's not totally unexpected, if for no other reason than it was a long, typically brutal day of air travel.

I'm grateful that Alizabeth and sfhypno were not only arriving in Baltimore the …

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That Was Quick: Taking My Audio Off of Soundgasm

Nov 17 2019
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So, I tried to link directly to my audio recordings on, so I could just display a little embedded player here in my site, instead of kicking you over to them. But that doesn't seem to work. It works just fine when I test it locally, but on …

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First Story Posted to the EMCSA!

Nov 9 2019
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It's a story I posted here last week, but I still need to crow a little bit. 😊 The Erotic Mind Control Stories Archive was one of the first places I ever found where people who shared my kink were, well, sharing their kinks—this was long before Tumblr or dedicated …

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Nov 1 2019
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I almost posted this on Tumblr first. Then I thought better of it.

No one reads the Terms of Service, do they? And no one who writes Terms of Service believes that the millions of people who obediently feed the work of their creative imagination into the machine read the …

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Picking This My-Own-Site Thing Back Up, and Handling Reblogs

Oct 26 2019
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Like every other bold idea I've ever had, probably, the whole from now on I'm using my own site instead of tumblr thing ran out of steam. I have still been using tumblr, which is mostly fine, except for the arbitrary obliteration of "adult" content (I can still see shit-tons …

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Ok. Here's how this is gonna work.

Dec 26 2018
posts // 666 words // 3 min read // comments

Okay. From now on, it all starts on my own site.

Here's the thing: Tumblr has kicked us kinksters out, and BDSMlr might be the new place to be, but who knows what next year holds? I can divide my presence on the kinksterweb into two parts:

  1. Creating and sharing …

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IM Off

Sep 26 2018
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Tumblr doesn't let you decline to participate in their Instant Messaging feature. But since I could go on for the rest of my life about all the things I don't like about Tumblr, but I use it anyway because it's one of the de-facto homes of the online Erotic Hypnosis …

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A Hand on My Throat and a Hand Pulling My Hair

Feb 23 2018
posts // 864 words // 4 min read // comments

Somone on tumblr, way back when: I miss being dominated physically - a hand on my throat and a hand pulling my hair

I’ve grown to love pulling hair and handling throats. But I’m not much into harm (and I’d rather stick with safer ways of indulging my …

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Feb 14 2018
posts // 1,256 words // 6 min read // comments

Life calls upon you to make choices.

If you choose the same thing over and over, it becomes a habit. If it’s a habit that makes your life worse instead of better, it’s called a “disorder” or an “addiction”. I’m sure that’s an oversimplification, but I …

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Sub Routine, and How to Hook

Jan 14 2018
posts // 759 words // 4 min read // comments

I mean “hook” in the writing sense, not the sex-worker sense, just so you’re not disappointed by where this post goes.

I recently mentioned Tabico’s story from—holy fuck I can’t believe this was fourteen years ago time is slipping through my fingers like grains of sand …

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Wanting to Be Wanted

Nov 28 2017
Last update: Mar 8 2023
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You know, it just this moment coalesced for me what turns me on and off about potential partners on either the dom or sub part of the spectrum.

I like being controlled, but I don’t like being an object of scorn. I don’t like “female1 supremacy”, I …

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