Filed under sywbb

french maid unit 2 is wet and ready

Jan 31 2016
sywbb // comments
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French Maid Unit #2 is wet and ready. @hypnotoys-obey-blog has done such a good job cleaning she’s allowed to do this.

No cumming, though.

French Maid Drones are very well-programmed.

Tits out, thoughts gone.

Always clean, never cum.

It doesn’t matter how helplessly horny you get; once you join the Unit, you will obey your programming.

Submit today.


kylierunsthis soyouwannabebrainwashed

Jan 31 2016
sywbb // comments
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Staying fit is important, toy.

Your body is a tool, after all.

You are a tool. For your owner’s pleasure.

And this is the most important exercise of all, pet.

Sink to your knees, hands behind your back.

Tits out.

Mouth open.

Mind off.

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Why do i want this so badly?

Because you’re being brainwashed.

up and down tits out up and down hard cock up and

Jan 31 2016
sywbb // comments
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Up and down

Tits out

Up and down

Hard cock

Up and down

Don’t think

Up and down

Big tits

Up and down

Hard cock

Up and down

No mind

Up and down

Are you listening, pet?

Up and down

You’ve already forgotten what we were talking about, haven’t you?

Up and down

That’s okay.

Up and down

Fuckdolls don’t think

Up and down

Just play and obey

Up and down

Go look at the picture again

Up and down

Now, repeat

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french maid unit 1 is ready to be presented to

Jan 30 2016
sywbb // comments
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French Maid Unit #1 is ready to be presented to you.

@hypnobabble has trained hard… maybe a little *too* hard. She’s so very empty now, she can’t even remember to dust the fucking mirrors.

She just wants to slide her panties off and whisper, “staring and sinking is better than thinking.”

She just wants to take her big tits out of her tiny uniform and say, “kneeling and sucking, a maid’s made for fucking.”

She just wants to play and obey, serve and submit.

Why don’t you join her?



this is proper posture and presentation for

Jan 30 2016
sywbb // comments
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This is proper posture and presentation for poolside, pet.

Kneel in heels

Show off your body

Your head is empty

You’re ready to serve.

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staying fit is important toy your body is a

Jan 29 2016
sywbb // comments
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Staying fit is important, toy.

Your body is a tool, after all.

You are a tool. For your owner’s pleasure.

And this is the most important exercise of all, pet.

Sink to your knees, hands behind your back.

Tits out.

Mouth open.

Mind off.

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she cant think cant move cant stop stroke and

Jan 29 2016
sywbb // comments
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She can’t think, can’t move, can’t stop

Stroke and play, toys must obey

Not until she makes him cum

Stroke and play, toys must obey

He can’t think, can’t move, can’t stop

Stroke and play, toys must obey

Not until she makes him cum

Stroke and play, toys must obey

You can’t think, can’t move, can’t stop

Stroke and play, toys must obey

Not until you make yourself cum

Stroke and play, you will obey

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dumb dollies in a dreamy daze stare and sink play

Jan 28 2016
sywbb // comments
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Dumb dollies in a dreamy daze

Stare and sink, play and obey

Dreamy dolls descending deeper

Stare and sink, play and obey

Doomed doll, drowning in a dream

Stare and sink, play and obey

Dream, doll, deeply dropping

Stare and sink, play and obey

Dolly drops down, dumber and dumber

Stare and sink, play and obey

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triggered and tranced sleepy and silent posed

Jan 27 2016
sywbb // comments
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Triggered and tranced.

Sleepy and silent.

Posed and perfect.

This is your destiny, pet.

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eyes closed good toy tits out good toy ass bare

Jan 27 2016
sywbb // comments
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Eyes closed.

Good toy

Tits out.

Good toy

Ass bare.

Good toy

Cunt ready.

Good toy

Mouth in use.

Good toy


stare at her perfect tits kneel stare at her

Jan 26 2016
sywbb // comments
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Stare at her perfect tits.


Stare at her perfect pussy.


Stare at her luscious lips.


Stare at her hypnotic eyes.


Let this toy begin your transformation.


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back and forth back and forth stare and sink

Jan 26 2016
sywbb // comments
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Back and forth. Back and forth.

Stare and sink. Play and obey.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

Stare and sink. Play and obey.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

Stare and sink. Play and obey.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

You’re being brainwashed. Submit today.

Submitted by @ass-slaves-blog

a toy well trained big tits no brains a collared

Jan 25 2016
sywbb // comments
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A toy, well-trained

Big tits, no brains

A collared pet

Mind soft, cunt wet

A brainwashed doll

No thoughts at all

Kneel down, give in

You cannot win

Submitted by @ass-slaves-blog

french maid unit drones must be perfect pretty

Jan 25 2016
sywbb // comments
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French Maid Unit drones must be perfect.

Pretty smiles, pressed aprons.

Big tits, no brains.

Drones must be perfect to join the French Maid Unit.

Pretty smiles, pressed aprons.

Big tits, no brains.

Perfect drones are programmed to please.

Pretty smiles, pressed aprons.

Big tits, no brains.

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toys know their place sitting back cock hard

Jan 24 2016
sywbb // comments
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Toys know their place

Sitting back, cock hard, eyes closed, mind melted.

Toys know their place

Kneeling down, mouth open, eyes glazed, brain blank.

You know your place

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submissions for the french maid unit are

Jan 24 2016
sywbb // comments
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Submissions for the French Maid Unit are progressing nicely. Potential drones will be deeply brainwashed and beautifully decorated.

Deep and delicate. Pretty and perfect.

Potential drones will be deeply brainwashed.

Posed and pleasing. Dressed up and drained of will.

Potential drones are being deeply brainwashed.

Relax. Smile. You are excited to join the French Maid Unit.

Potential drones are being deeply brainwashed.

Stare and sink. Smile and submit.

Submitted by @hypnobabble


stare and sink stand and serve stare and sink

Jan 23 2016
sywbb // comments
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Stare and sink.

Stand and serve.

Stare and sink.

Stand and serve.

Stare and sink.

Stand and serve.

Dollies dress to seduce and serve.

Submitted by @ass-slaves-blog

wrigglesandgiggles soyouwannabebrainwashed

Jan 23 2016
sywbb // comments
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Toys are made to be displayed

Owner’s words must be obeyed

Toys are made to be displayed

Owner’s words must be obeyed

Toys are made to be displayed

Owner’s words must be obeyed

Toys are made to be displayed

Owner’s words must be obeyed

Stare and sink. Play and obey.

Submitted by @hypnobabble

As you looked down on her your lips whispered your mantra again and again,
Toys are made to be displayed
As she pushed her breasts together again you whimpered and repeated,
Owner’s words must be obeyedAs she indicated for you to strip to be as naked as her you spoke your words,
Toys are made to be displayed
As she rubbed her legs clearly enjoying this you whimpered your mantra,
Owner’s words must be obeyed
As she sat up and stared into your eyes, her smile left your vision, as did everything, you became blank, obedient and simply a toy.
Stare and sink. Play and obey.

*applause* I salute you!

hypnosis slave dom plays with dolls

Jan 23 2016
sywbb // comments
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Stare into her glassy eyes.

Gawk at her enormous tits.

Let this perfect toy put you in a trance.

Deeper into her empty eyes.

Enslaved by the sight of her soft round tits.

This toy has trapped you, hypnotized and helpless.



Join her.

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I….I want to join her…

@hypnosis-slave and I would, honestly, just fall to our knees and give up…makes me wonder what would REALLY happen if we found a pet; would we dominate her, or would we both end up at her feet drooling and kissing up her legs with a blank stare on our faces…?

The thought of us both surrendering to a Domme is so fucking hot to me

You two are adorable. If you do end up in this situation, I’ll take a copy of the video. ;)

hello toys you will be excited to learn that i

Jan 23 2016
sywbb // comments
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Hello, toys. You will be excited to learn that I am now accepting submissions for the new French Maid Unit.

This elite unit of brainwashed dolls will have their bodies perfected and their minds rewritten with an encyclopedia of domestic and sexual servitude.

Relax. Smile. You are excited to learn about the new French Maid Unit, recruiting now.

Your submission could be as sexy as this one.

Your submission will be deep and complete and fulfilling.

Stare and sink. Play and obey. You are excited to submit to the French Maid Unit.

You are getting more and more excited. Submit.

Submitted by @hypnobabble
