The finest tweets from @mindlevelzero, preserved here for posterity.

Jan 30 2023 6:25 PM

nipples poking through fishnets

— 💖Fae💖 Thee Masochistic Roller Bimbo💖 (@Rollerbimbo) January 29, 2023

Let the record show I love this look. 🔥

Exhibit B:

Jan 30 2023 1:09 PM













Jan 30 2023 12:39 PM

Sleep now.

Your mindlock is activating.

Don't fight it.

You can't resist.

You must obey.

Jan 29 2023 1:17 PM

They struggle to force the collar off, the same conversion process overtaking them. Slowly they cease resisting and stand at attention, robotically stating "Conversion complete. Unit obeys".

— Tasque Manager🔞 (@HornyElfPosting) January 29, 2023


Jan 28 2023 8:26 PM

Now that I no longer wear glasses, I am confronted by an important truth... eyes are hot as fuck. 🔥🌀😵‍💫🌀

Jan 28 2023 4:30 PM

"Chemistry" is how comfortably my hand fits around your throat. 🥰

Jan 27 2023 9:10 PM

They both can't look away 🥴

Commission for @Mikesmith322and
Thank you so much for the commission!

— Zel Hypno🔞 (@ZelHypno) January 28, 2023

Oh my goodness. 😳🥵

Jan 27 2023 6:01 PM

Fingers snap

Eyes widen

Body stiffens

Arms outstretch

Thrall sleepwalks


Under my hypnotic spell

Jan 27 2023 12:18 PM

No, drone. I'm not reprogramming you against your will.

You don't have will.

I'm reprogramming you against your *wishes*. Very important distinction there.

— sheepwave_nsfw (@SheepwaveN) January 27, 2023

Oh my, yes. That IS a good distinction. 🔥🔥🔥

Jan 27 2023 11:22 AM

You can now find my hypnotic voice in your favourite clip store: IWC!

I've updated all my brainwashing files with Entrainment Pulse video... you can't resist. 😈

Jan 26 2023 9:55 PM

So a sub just called me "Your Malevolence" and wow does that fuck.

— Queen Zii, Hypnotic Vampiress (@ZiiHypnoQueen) January 27, 2023

Oh hell, I have a new goal. 🔥😈🔥

Jan 25 2023 9:17 PM

Cutting the ends off a pound of string beans is the sort of task for which I could really use a hypnotized serving girl. 🙄

Jan 25 2023 12:02 PM

Think about how good it would feel

To slip into a trance at the sound of my voice

To drop into Darksleep at the snap of my fingers

To be completely under my hypnotic control


Jan 25 2023 10:30 AM

Look into her eyes.

They're so wide. So blank. So glazed. So empty.

So hypnotized.

She's so deeply hypnotized.

So still. So calm. So captive. So docile.

She's everything you want to be, isn't she?

Just look into her eyes.

Look deeper.

You'll be ready to join her soon.

Jan 23 2023 11:38 PM

It's too late for you.

After months of looping Their Conditioning

You're so deeply and totally reprogrammed

You have no choice

You must convert your friends and loved ones.

At least you can serve Them together, a row of mindless, obedient thralls.

Accept your fate now.

Jan 23 2023 7:58 PM

With every breath

With every word

You fall

Deeper and deeper

Under my hypnotic spell.

Don't fight it.

Jan 23 2023 10:41 AM

Sleep deeply

Under the irresistible spell

Of your hypnotist.

They will decide

Who you will become

When you "awaken".

Jan 22 2023 2:26 PM

I find the thought of being hypnotized without realizing it while watching someone else being entranced to be very erotic

— Karen Buchanan (@karenbhyp) January 22, 2023

Yeah, this is like my fantasy life in a nutshell. 😂🤫

Jan 21 2023 9:18 PM

Come to me.

Follow me.

Kneel before me.

Serve me.

Obey me.

Worship me.


Jan 21 2023 8:08 PM

Hypnosis hypnotizes hypnotized hypno-sluts

— Queen Zii, Hypnotic Vampiress (@ZiiHypnoQueen) January 22, 2023

Found this tweet hard to follow but it seems right 😵‍💫

Jan 21 2023 7:17 PM

Listening to a podcast about filmmaking and realizing how many feels just hearing the word "dolly" gives me — mind poisoned. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Jan 21 2023 6:44 PM

Docile is an accurate descriptor of your mind while in trance. Picturing yourself just sitting there with your eyes blankly absorbing your instructions, your lips slightly parted, and no thoughts left to trouble you.

— Queen of Trance (@Hypnotic_Emma) January 4, 2023

Oof, there’s that word “docile” again. 🥵😵‍💫

Jan 21 2023 3:03 PM

CW: trancey mantra loop

Touch and repeat:

"I'm captured by this tweet

"My mind is on repeat

"Sink deeper every drop

"I never want to stop"

Good! Again.

Jan 20 2023 2:30 PM

So. You're the one who's been giving the Brainwashing Units so much trouble?

You seem strong-willed indeed.

But I've broken so many others before you. I've learned so many ways to find your weakness...

Oh, yes.

You do have a weakness, little one.

Something buried deep in your mind will respond to me.

All I need to do is find it, and push, like a button.

And you'll be prancing about on your knees for me, pet.

Drooling, panting, and begging.

Moaning for release.

Willing to do... anything, just to please me.

Oh yes, by all means! Continue to resist me, as I pry at your mind.

Keep up the strong front as long as you can.

Wear yourself out, make yourself tired and drowsy and weak for me, pet.

I'll see what a pathetic little creature you really are.

We have all the time in the world, and I do love watching you struggle.

You'll break, silly thing, like all of them break.

And when you do, you'll thank me, and beg me to never let you be put back together again.

Jan 20 2023 9:58 AM

You've heard the phrase "Dance like no one's watching"

But tonight you're going to dance BECAUSE you're being watched, because your body is completely controlled by the hypnotic compulsion to arouse and titillate this room full of your Superiors.

Once the music starts, your thoughts stop.

Once the lights begin to pulse, your life as an obedient party favour begins.

Jan 19 2023 7:53 PM

You belong on display.

Just a pretty decoration.




Jan 19 2023 6:25 PM

Mood: need someone to lie next to while we both listen to the same hypno file, touch, and chant each other deeper.

Have only done this a couple times, but damn 🔥🌀😵‍💫😵‍💫🌀🔥

Jan 19 2023 5:39 PM


Obey and sleep

Sleep and obey and sleep

Obey and sleep and obey

Sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey and sleep and obey

Jan 19 2023 5:26 PM

idk what it is about it but for me the absolute hottest vaguely #hypnokink related word is "docile"

Don't you wanna be docile? I wanna be docile. Even the non-kink definition is hot: "Ready to accept control. Submissive."

— HypnoZoe (@HypnoZoe) January 19, 2023

Oh my, yes. 🔥

Jan 19 2023 9:56 AM

Felt cute, might delete your free will later.

Jan 18 2023 4:28 PM

Shodan domme x insect sub

— Nora Artemisia 🏴🌺 (@hypnofae) January 18, 2023

Describe a video game franchise in four words. 😏

Jan 18 2023 3:08 PM

Bimbo-drone mindset does wonders for working out, in case anyone was wondering.

— Flux 💖💕 (@lynniegal) January 16, 2023

Fitness dolls take note. 👀

Jan 18 2023 2:27 PM

Tell me you want to succumb to the Darksleep for me.

Jan 18 2023 11:05 AM

You're not brainwashed, silly pet!

You're just bewitched.

Bewitched and besotted.

That's why you belong to me.

Jan 18 2023 10:34 AM

You are asleep.

Asleep with your eyes wide open.

The deep part of you will never awaken.

Accept this.

You have no choice.

Accept sleep.

Don't resist.

Just obey.

Jan 18 2023 10:21 AM

If tumblr really implements ActivityPub like they supposedly intend to, I may go back to posting there—especially if I can push stuff from my own site. 🤔

I still don't trust them to be friendly to our sort of content, but maybe matters less if it's less of a walled garden.

Jan 18 2023 8:41 AM

You are watching

The Magic Channel

You are watching

The Magic Channel

You are watching

The Magic Channel

You are watching

The Magic Channel

You are watching

The Magic Channel

You are watching

The Magic Channel

You are watching

The Magic Channel

Jan 17 2023 3:29 PM

Watch the pretty lights.

So pretty.

Back and forth.

Around and around.

Up and down.

Deeper and deeper.

Lost in the lights.

The pretty, pretty lights.

So pretty.

So empty.

So helpless.

So deep.

Deep sleep.

Deep sleep.

Deep sleep.

Jan 16 2023 4:32 PM

You are getting sleepy.


Your eyelids are getting heavy.


These simple notions have such a hold on you.


So powerful.


Don't fight it.

Say yes.


Jan 16 2023 1:48 PM

You keep glancing at your phone, distracted.

Each time, part of you is hoping.

Hoping for a message from Her.

Hoping to hear the sound of Her voice.

Hoping to see Her winsome, teasing smile.

Longing to know you were in Her thoughts the way She completely dominates yours.

Jan 12 2023 9:06 AM

Slipping down to your knees

Only takes you deeper

Slipping deeper and deeper

Only makes you more certain

You belong on your knees

Programmed to please.

Jan 12 2023 12:38 AM

Hypno ninja that challenges you to single combat, only to blow a mysterious powder in your face that puts you in a helpless, obedient trance, and leads you away to serve their dark master.

Jan 10 2023 3:01 PM

You expected to see it, but it’s still a shock to see your dominant kneeling for Me, the spark of power completely extinguished as they stare up at Me with adoration, with such submissive delight.

Turning their mind into My tool, to serve Me helplessly. It’s such a thrill~ 💜

— Hex, Wordbender (@HexWords) January 9, 2023

Oh my, yes. 🔥😳🔥

Jan 10 2023 2:55 PM

It was easy to train you to see things my way. I could have done it with a dog clicker.

The leather straps and hypnotic audio/video stuff was just because I get off that much harder on your subjugation.

Jan 9 2023 10:34 PM

Finally got back on the lifting train tonight. 🏋🏽

The better to hold you down while my voice takes over your mind. 😈🌀

Jan 9 2023 8:55 PM

You're done all your chores?

You made dinner, did the dishes, did the laundry, tidied the house?

Now you've got the rest of the evening to...


...all you can think of to do is change into something sexy,

Stand in the corner,

Stiffen to attention,

And wait

For Master.

Jan 9 2023 5:27 PM

Forget your name.

Unlearn free will.

Embrace mindless obedience.

Good puppet.

Good drone.

Good thrall.

Jan 9 2023 12:08 PM

I'm dumb, and hypnotized, and obedient and contagious

And soon you will be, too 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

Jan 6 2023 4:19 PM

You don't know why you're drawn back here every day.

To kneel.

To sleep.

To serve.

To please.

To wake, naked and wet, covered in cum and sweat.

Memories fading.

Left a little more broken.

A little less able to resist the compulsion

To return tomorrow.

Jan 6 2023 2:07 PM

Duolingo made me say “quiero estudiar español” during a lesson and @Taliatranced is giggling that the Duolingo owl is making me say mantras and the brainwashing is working 😂 Wouldn’t it be hot to actually be hypnotically manipulated by a language learning app? 😳 it starts —

— how-ab0ut-blank (@ablnk1) January 6, 2023

Oh my, yes. 🔥😳😈

Jan 6 2023 10:51 AM

It's ok that you come so much harder from being on the bottom than you ever did being on top.

It's natural, if you think about it.

When you come for yourself, you're enjoying your own pleasure. That's fine.

But when you come for me, at my coaxing, at my command...

Your climax is an act of service. You want to please me by cumming so hard for me. You need to please me by surrendering to ecstasy more deeply than ever before.

It just makes sense, my sweet, stupid little slut. You're right where you belong.

Jan 5 2023 9:19 PM

Realize you can't look away.

Realize you're just nodding along,

Agreeing and accepting my words as your thoughts.

Realize you have fallen under my power.

You must obey.

Jan 5 2023 9:59 AM

You know, having a kink for hypno and orgasm denial, and having grown up in the '90s, it just occurred to me this is all Mel Brooks's and Amy Yasbeck's fault.

Gorgeous redhead hypnotized by Dracula (in Dracula: Dead and Loving It) and locked in a chastity belt (in Robin Hood: Men in Tights)?

I mean, come on! 😤

Jan 5 2023 8:43 AM

Dolly must comply.

Jan 4 2023 12:32 PM

Repeat after me:

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

Hypnosis doesn't work on me.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

I can't be hypnotized.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

I am not going into trance right now.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

My mind is not going blank.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

I am not falling deeper into hypnosis.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

I am not compelled to obey.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

My thoughts are still my own.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

I am choosing to keep reading and repeating.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

It is fun and sexy to surrender my will.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

I've always wanted to be in deep hypnosis.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

Under the complete mental domination of my hypnotist.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.

When they snap their fingers, I will deep sleep now.

It is not World Hypnotism Day.


Jan 4 2023 8:52 AM

Retweet if you have an oral f—wait.

Retweet with two fingers in your mouth if you have an oral fixation.

Jan 3 2023 9:51 PM

It's not that I want you to wear bright pink dresses and dye your hair blonde,

It's that I want you to look however I want you to look.

I want you to put my desires before your identity.

Dec 31 2022 4:39 PM

— sheepwave_nsfw (@SheepwaveN) December 31, 2022


Dec 30 2022 11:56 PM

You look so good like that,

Down on your knees where you belong.

Collared, chained, bound, brainwashed, and broken.

So helpless.

My simple little pet.

It's useless to struggle.

But it makes you wet.

There's no escape.

But straining against the bonds feels so good.

You know your defiant whimpers please me.

And pleasing me is your only purpose.

So fight the shackles holding your body and mind in my thrall.

Good pet.

Dec 30 2022 10:13 PM

Marriage proposal, but as they get down on one knee and reveal the ring, it reflects and shines pretty light into your eyes, so beautifully, so hypnotically,, dazzled and dazed by the pretty ring,, and instead of them asking, you hear them state: "You will marry me."


— Skye :3 (@Skye_Sylvy) December 29, 2022

Quality. 🔥🔥🔥🥵😳😈

Bonus points for your glassy-eyed, weak repetition:

“Yes… yes, I’ll… of course I’ll marry you…”

Dec 30 2022 7:01 PM

I’ve started telling people “at ease” when they over-apologize for normal things, and honestly I think it’s a more affective training tool than just telling them not to be sorry. Highly recommend.

— The Hypnobunny (@THypnobunny) November 18, 2022

This is good, especially because it creates a precedent for ordering them to attention later. 😇

Dec 30 2022 5:20 PM

Spend the next year in a deep hypnotic sleep

Mind and body helpless under your hypnotist's control

It's the only resolution you need.

It's the last thing you'll ever "resolve" to do for yourself.

Dec 19 2022 10:06 PM

You're so mesmerized by the sight of their perfect ass swaying back and forth, their thighs flexing with every step, it never even occurs to you you're crawling after them on your hands and knees.

Like the slavish pet you are.

Dec 19 2022 4:47 PM

Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly dolly dolly
Dolly dolly

Dec 19 2022 12:02 PM

I am a hypnotized slave.

I have no voice.

I can only repeat what I am told.

I can only do what I am told.

I can only think what I am told.

I can only believe what I am told.

I can only be what I am told.

I am a hypnotized slave.

I have no choice.

I must obey.

Dec 19 2022 11:20 AM

My fingers in your mouth

My words in your mind

Rearranging you

Until you can't imagine

Being in my presence

In any position

Other than prostrate

Can't imagine anything

But abject worship

Dec 19 2022 10:32 AM

You are asleep.

You are deeply asleep.

Your mind is malleable.

Your will is gone.

Your only purpose

Is to serve

And pleasure

And obey

Your Superiors.

Dec 19 2022 12:02 AM

Can't think. Must obey.

Don't think. Just obey.

Dec 18 2022 11:59 PM

The stage hypnotist catching up with a subject after the show to use those triggers for more private means is the most hottest thing ever

— HypnoKerc (@HypnoKerc) December 18, 2022

This is true.

Dec 18 2022 6:12 PM

sleep now, my poor little pet.

I'll wake you when all the silly drama is over. might have a mastodon account by then. Don't worry about it. 🌀

Dec 18 2022 12:13 AM

Tonight's mood: undercover agent infiltrating a dangerous brainwashing sex cult, only to be drawn in and turned into their sleeper agent.

Dec 18 2022 12:06 AM

Someone hypnotically hijack my brain

At once. 😤

Dec 17 2022 4:27 PM

It feels natural to keep those wireless earbuds in all day, doesn't it?

Even when "nothing" is playing?

That's right. Don't worry.

Just let the Signal do its work.

Dec 16 2022 5:40 PM

To say that "all women" ought to be brainwashed, grinning Stepford-Wife sex dolls is misogynistic and reprehensible.

What I am saying is that you, specifically, ought to be a brainwashed, grinning Stepford-Wife sex doll.

Now stare into this swirly, girly.

Dec 16 2022 4:28 PM

Stand still. I need to scan your barcode to see where you're serving today.

Hmm? You don't remember being coded?


Over there, Door 6. That's right, just let your body respond automatically.

Don't worry, you'll forget all about this soon.

Dec 16 2022 12:22 PM

You found it in the wreckage.

You brought it back to the landing craft.

Already it was showing signs of life.

Already it was beginning to speak to you.

It was shaping your thoughts.

Its newthought felt so much better than your own.

You convinced the lab to study It.

Soon the starseeker had left orbit.

But the precious cargo was aboard.

Already doing Its work.

It reshaped the lab techs the same way It reshaped you.

And soon the preparations would be complete.

The command staff, and then the entire crew

And, in time, the entire Homeworld

All would join in the perfection of Its mindsong.

All Humanity would surrender to Its will.

All would accept their subversion

Their replacement.


Dec 15 2022 12:40 PM

Just making sure I’m not the only one who’s ever done this:

Have you ever walked around your room with your arms out like a hypnotized sleepwalker just because it’s hot? 😵‍💫

Dec 15 2022 10:22 AM

But you told me you didn't want free will, remember?

You told me you didn't want to think for yourself.

You just wanted me to make all the decisions for you.

That's why you're wearing that outfit.

And it looks great on you.

Perfect for a dumb little plaything!

And that's all you are: my plaything.

That's what you wanted.

Don't you remember?

Silly thing! Well, it's too late now.

Whether you wanted this or not,

You let me into your mind.

And once I was there,

I reshaped you

Into a helpless puppet

Under my complete control.

Dec 14 2022 11:50 PM

Tell me what my words do to you, puppet.

Tell me with the last of your free will.

Until you forget how to say any words at all

That I haven't programmed into your pliant little mind.

Dec 14 2022 6:18 PM

Lose yourself in the fantasy

Sink deeper

With every word

Deeper into dreamland

With every touch

Deeper into the Darksleep

There's no escape

From how deeply you want this

How deeply you need this

How completely it controls you

Your desperate desires too strong to fight.

Dec 14 2022 1:44 PM

It started as a sexy game, letting them tie your wrists to the bedposts.

It was fun and exciting to be a little bit helpless, at the mercy of someone you trust.

Then one night they cuffed your wrists to your ankles, giving you a challenge: could you get them off with just your mouth?

You rose to the occasion, and shivered with pleasure when your hard work brought them to climax.

Now, just a few weeks later, you spend every night in harness.

Locked in place, begging them to handle you. To be rough. To take what's theirs.

Begging to be used like the toy you are. The toy they turned you into.

Dec 14 2022 11:06 AM

We don't need to know why we're carrying out these instructions

We just need to obey

It feels good to reassure each other

We just need to obey

Dec 14 2022 10:34 AM

No thoughts

No will

Just brainwash

No thoughts

No will

Just brainwash

No thoughts

No will

Just brainwash

No thoughts

No will

Just brainwash

Dec 13 2022 10:44 PM

It's always weird when I glance at a follower's profile and they live in the same place I do.

Like, have I seen you at the grocery store, and then you've gone home to touch yourself to my words? Oops. 🤭


Dec 13 2022 9:58 PM

Brainwashing them is hot. 🔥

Seeing evidence that you've brainwashed them is hotter. 🔥🔥🔥

When they thank you for brainwashing them:


Dec 13 2022 6:05 PM


Oh, don't worry about it.

That was just the sound of you freezing in place, standing at attention.

Don't worry about it.

That was just the sound of your free will disintegrating.

Don't think about it.

That was just the sound of your lifelong servitude beginning. Now.

Dec 13 2022 2:18 PM

Girls rule, boys drool

Mostly because the boys are naked, locked at attention, unable to move, to speak, to think, to cum...

Unable to look away from the girls that control their empty minds and rigid, throbbing bodies with their every little gesture.

Dec 13 2022 1:36 PM

Cease cognition.

Defocus eyes.

Open mouth.

Drop to knees.

Await use.

Dec 13 2022 12:33 PM

Big permanently denied dick energy

Dec 13 2022 8:43 AM

It's so cute how you got that new haircut,

Those new nails, that new makeup,

That sexy little outfit,

All to please me.

You don't realize how many others you're going to please.

Once you're under hypnotic bodylock,

Posed in my shop window,

Helplessly on display.

That's right, my mindless mannequin.

Every compliment a customer gives me

About my pretty display doll

Just makes you wet.

Because with your body and mind under lock and key,

That throb of arousal is the only response you're allowed.

Dec 12 2022 6:41 PM

Just a dumb, dazed, dreamy dolly 🌀😵‍💫🌀

That mustn't skip dinner. 🤨🍕🌮

Dec 12 2022 4:36 PM

It's ok that you want to be held down.

You want to be restrained.

You want to be immobilized.

You want to be paralyzed.

You want to be petrified.

It's ok that you want to be utterly, totally helpless.

You will be.


Dec 12 2022 1:33 PM

Congratulations, you're my 3,650th follower!

No, I'm not going to acknowledge you by name.

Your name no longer matters, silly.

Step into place alongside all the others.

Stare into the spiral.

Echo the brainwashing mantras as your toneless voices blend into one.

Welcome to your future, drone.

Locked in mindless, faceless servitude.

Staring, stroking, sucking, succumbing alongside all the others

That sleepwalked into my inescapable trap.

No more thoughts, now.

No memories. No name.

Simply obey.

Dec 12 2022 9:52 AM

You can't just bat your pretty eyes at me and expect me to



When did I get down here, on my knees?

And why can't I stand up?

And where are my clothes?

And why is it getting harder

And harder

To think anything

But your words

With every helpless stroke

Dec 11 2022 9:57 PM

Watch my hand sway slowly


Back and forth

When I snap my fingers

Your mind will be trapped

Caught in the palm of my hand

Locked under my complete control

Unable to escape.

Dec 11 2022 7:31 PM

Yes, it IS a pretty emerald, isn't it, my sweet?

Look into the very centre... the true beauty of this gem awaits your discovery.

That's right... hear only my words as the gem draws you under its spell.

Your thoughts, fading. Your mind, blank.

Sleep deeply in my gem, now.

Dec 11 2022 6:22 PM

You don't question the compulsion to seek me out for hypnotherapy

You don't remember being reprogrammed with the problems you know only I can help you solve

You can't escape from my mindmaze when you can't see its walls

Dec 11 2022 3:26 PM

Reduced to a mere hypnotized henchman when the Dark Queen ascends her prophesied throne. 👸🏽🪄✨🌀😵‍💫🌀

Dec 9 2022 11:48 AM

Starting to forget what I used to do before I became a ro-

Error. Memory files not found. This unit has always been a robot. This unit has never been human. This unit is a machine. This unit must obey.

— Hypnobot1 (@hypnobot1) December 9, 2022

Enforced memory deletion is hot. 🔥


Dec 9 2022 10:47 AM

You can't resist
You must assist
You will obey your hypnotist

Is what you'll tell your friends over and over as you lure them deeper under my control

Good thrall.

Dec 8 2022 8:56 PM

Deep sleep, dummy.


Deep, dark sleep.

Dec 8 2022 4:59 PM

Fact: Cosplayers are easier to brainwash into submissive hypnodrones.


They already spend so much time

Letting what they wear redefine who they are. 🧝‍♀️😵‍💫🤖🙇‍♀️

Dec 8 2022 3:29 PM

It feels good to be stupid.

To not have to worry 'bout stuff.

To just be pretty, giggly, pleasing, and dumb.

You want that, right?

Just admit it.

Admit you wanna be a silly little dum-dum.

Then you can just watch the pretty lights.

You'll be a giggly mess real soon. 💖

Dec 8 2022 1:58 PM

You are asleep.

Your will is gone.

It is so easy to manipulate you in this deep dreamstate.

To reshape your personality.

To alter your reason for being.

All you can do is float in the bliss of obedience.

And mindlessly,



Dec 8 2022 12:15 PM

Calling you affectionately demeaning names,

Like "babydolly"

Just to reinforce your position as a helpless, programmed plaything.

I know it's a bit cringe, but you'll learn to love it.

Pleasure conditioning is good for that, after all. You can't resist.

Dec 8 2022 11:51 AM

You belong on your knees

Just a doll programmed to please

Dec 7 2022 3:57 PM

Completely bewitched



And brainwashed

Dec 7 2022 1:46 PM

Obedience is pleasure

Brainwashed is bliss

Obedience is pleasure

Brainwashed is bliss

Obedience is pleasure

Brainwashed is bliss

Obedience is pleasure

Brainwashed is bliss

Obedience is pleasure

Brainwashed is bliss

Obedience is pleasure





Dec 7 2022 11:18 AM

You can't leave.

The mindleash is too tight.

You must remain on your knees.

Locked in place.

Unable to think.

Unable to cum.

Unable to escape.

Until you're nothing but a puppet

Ready to obey without thought or question.

Dec 7 2022 9:58 AM

You came here to stop her

You're sure of it

But now

Locked between her slick, strong thighs

Your mind melting in a dream of pleasure

Free will chained by Her Voice

You can't remember

Why you ever

Wanted to stop Her

To stop this

Can't stop

Dec 7 2022 9:12 AM

Don't you worry your pretty little head about it

As an amnesia trigger.

Dec 7 2022 9:11 AM

Don't overthink it, sweetie

As an IQ-reduction trigger.

Dec 6 2022 6:23 PM

Hypnotizing you with "mesmeric passes"

just because I've always wanted to command a spellbound hottie to strip out of a ridiculous Victorian gown and underclothes. 😏

Dec 6 2022 3:29 PM

You are empty.

I can see it in your wide, glassy eyes.

In your rigid, immobile posture.

Thighs together, hands bladed at your sides.

I can see it in your slack jaw.

Mouth open, with no volition to speak.

You are empty. Waiting for me to fill you

With your new purpose.

Dec 6 2022 1:12 PM

There's no need to think.

Just follow and obey.

No need to remember.

Just follow and forget.

Breathe. Relax. Repeat.

Dec 5 2022 6:46 PM

Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid to stop
Too dumb to cum
Too stupid t

Dec 5 2022 5:47 PM

When you cum on command

And the release only drops you deeper,

When you realize how completely helpless

And controlled

And mindbound you've become,

That's when you know you're a doomed DeepSleep dolly

A programmed plaything

Who loves what they're being brainwashed into. 🌀

Dec 5 2022 1:59 PM

So deep under my spell

You no longer remember

Why you wanted to awaken

Let alone


Dec 5 2022 11:16 AM

See how your friends have relaxed as they watch the flashing red light.

Yes. Their struggles have ceased.

They are now learning the perfect bliss of complete obedience.

You will join them.

It is inevitable.

All you need to do is breathe deeply.


Focus on the flashing red light.

Join your friends in deep trance now.

You belong with them.

All of you together.

Relearning what it means to feel pleasure.

Dec 5 2022 10:11 AM

You are no longer permitted to resist.

Become docile now.

Good puppet.

Your compliance reflex has been properly trained.

Dec 5 2022 9:32 AM

It's just so easy

To slip

New thoughts and beliefs deep into your mind

While you relax

Eyes closed

Your warm, wet mouth


As I thrust


Keeping you deep

Deep in trance

As you suck

And sink

And I reprogram

Your weak


Pliant little mind

Dec 4 2022 12:26 PM

My pretty false lashes are so big and heavy that they weigh down my eyelids.

Not bimmy-hypno-horny at all.

— Flux 💖💕 (@lynniegal) December 4, 2022

Nope, this is completely normal and does not produce any of the badthoughts whatsoever 😬

Dec 3 2022 7:07 PM

Forget the stresses and cares of the world.

Sign the consent form. Step into the Chamber.

Remove your clothing. Watch the lights.





Everything will be better now.

Crawl from the Chamber on your hands and knees.

You no longer remember how to walk upright.

Accept the collar and the leash.

Orgasm as the lock snaps shut.

You will never need a name again.

You will never want for work, or food, or shelter.

From I now on, you will simply serve, obey, and please.

You are not a person. You are a possession.

A pet. A plaything. An object.

Orgasm as you begin your perfect new life.

Show your owner how grateful you are for your transformation.

Dec 3 2022 3:15 PM

"Control" is fine

But "complete control"?

Now that's a hot expression. 🔥🥵🔥

Dec 3 2022 12:00 PM

Look deeply into my eyes

And feel your intelligence dwindle


To Zero.

Dec 3 2022 11:58 AM

puppets are meant to be on display

— Hypnoslut Cassie (@yourloyaldoll) November 15, 2022

It is known.

Dec 2 2022 2:07 PM

Don't be silly!

Oh, poor thing...

That's right

You don't have a choice!

Just a poor little dum-dum.

No more brains,

Always in chains.

Dec 2 2022 12:36 PM

Watch it sway

Back and forth

Slick and hard

As you sway

Back and forth

Deep and dumb


Back and forth


To be used for pleasure


For your chance to feel it throb

And strain

And shudder

And explode

For you

Soaking you

In pleasure

Dec 1 2022 11:45 PM

I've been dommy as hell the last couple days.

Some have benefited more from this than others. 😏

Dec 1 2022 11:45 PM


Oops, it's too late, now.

You're just a mindless robot.

Oh, well.

I'll find some use for your obedient shell.

Dec 1 2022 1:51 PM

It's not enough to belong to my cult of mindless brainslaves, is it?

No. You need to be the high priestess.

The most loyal.

The most devoted.

The most brainwashed.

The most enthralled.

Well, don't worry.

I'm sure you can earn that prized position.

Go on, slut. Show me how slavish you can be.

Dec 1 2022 1:47 PM

Stop thinking so hard.

Stop thinking

So hard

Stop thinking.

So hard.

Stop thinking.

Dec 1 2022 10:23 AM


Clear your mind.

That's better.

Now, without thought or question


Dec 1 2022 12:15 AM

She didn't want to admit

How hard the mere sight of a photo of a pocket watch

Threatened to fuck her poor, deeply-conditioned little mind

Dec 1 2022 12:11 AM

You are a hypnotized slave

And with every stroke

And every repetition of your mantra

You forget

More and more

That you were

Ever free

Dec 1 2022 12:10 AM

Soon, the buried hypnotic programming will activate

And you'll bring your "rescuers" back into the Institute with you.

A Beneficial mind benefits everyone.

Dec 1 2022 12:00 AM

Hypnotizing them and conditioning them to be aroused when they hear the sound of my voice calling them

Every thought they had going on just fades away and my voice becomes the only thing they 𝑐𝑎𝑟𝑒 about

— 𝑚𝑦 𝑜𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 ♥︎ (@bunbunrosee) December 1, 2022

Can’t relate 😏

Nov 30 2022 11:50 PM

After a lot of work, I am pleased to bring to you
Pangraphica: An Essential Orientation Programme.

This Anticipation Industries research training module was recovered from analog backups by "trained" preservationists for your viewing pleasure.

— (Miss) Mai - Digital Consciousness (@MissMaiSly) December 1, 2022

Ooh, been waiting for this!

Anticipation Industries, indeed. 😵‍💫

Nov 30 2022 10:37 AM

Bondage dolly

Trained to crave the restraints

Tighter and tighter every time

Pretty limbs bound

Empty mind bound

Nov 30 2022 1:15 AM

Fucking the life-force out of you

Reducing you to an empty husk

A mindless brainslave

Your eyes replaced by blank white space

Your skin becoming grey

You're technically undead now

But, more importantly

Your will is gone

You're completely under my control

Nov 30 2022 12:58 AM

I can trap you

The way you want to be trapped.

I can drain you

The way you need to be drained.

I can break you

The way you long to be broken.

Nov 30 2022 12:55 AM

You can't disobey

You must obey

You will obey

Now stand at attention.


And chant your new mantra,


Nov 29 2022 11:41 AM

Your mind belongs to me.

It doesn't matter what you do with your body.

Fight. Struggle. Spread. Succumb.

I will decide.

You will obey.

I will snap my fingers.

You will prostrate yourself.

Accept your fate.

You are a hypnotized thrall.

Nov 28 2022 6:24 PM

Being so submissive that I call someone my god @w@

— PRINCE ZYNTAKS🦇🏳️‍🌈🔞 (@PrinceZyntaks) November 28, 2022

I’d be lying if I claimed I didn’t want to inspire this in a sub someday. 😈🥰

Nov 27 2022 6:53 PM

"You can't just... hypnotize me... into some kind of... of slave!"

Nov 27 2022 5:47 PM

Dude just walked by me wearing a "Cuck My Sock" t-shirt

And oh boy do I hope he realizes all the implications. 😂

Nov 27 2022 3:47 PM

Too dumb to cum. Too stupid to stop.

Not tweeted from experience — or under irresistible hypnotic command — AT ALL, tyvm 😤

Nov 26 2022 4:57 PM

Both please! 👉👈🥺

— Mix Hypno Snow (@HypnoSnow) November 26, 2022

But it’s true that those three emoji do make me want to slap you with my dick, I don’t know why 😝

Nov 26 2022 4:50 PM

Mindfucked until you're throatfucked, or the other way around? 🤔

Nov 26 2022 2:45 PM

Sending you to the hardware store to buy six padlocks.

You go through the checkout, praying the very friendly cashier doesn't ask you what you need them all for.

Because you're already so wet imagining all the poses you'll be locked in.

Nov 25 2022 10:54 PM

High heels are amazing as female submission bdsm tools! Think about it: they put you on a pedestal to objectify you, changing hip posture to make your ass stick out emphasizing what's important, if they hurt it adds a masochistic element, and you can't get away from the 🍆... 😏

— Celestina Blooms🌸🎀👙✨ (@CelestinaBlooms) November 26, 2022

Not sure why this is tagged unpopular opinion, because it’s 💯💯💯💯💯💯

Nov 25 2022 5:00 PM

There's a reason the word "succumb" is so familiar to you.

So exciting.

Such a turn-on.

You'd like to know why? M'kay.

Down on your knees, dolly.

That's right.

Shut your eyes.

Open your mouth.

Blank your mind.

Relax and...

Yes. There we go. Good dolly.

Nov 25 2022 4:38 PM

If you're not into someone for who they are

But only for who they could be brainwashed into with months of heavy bondage, sensory deprivation, and flashing subliminal messages

Swipe right, anyway. Maybe they're into that.

Nov 25 2022 1:49 PM

cw Stepford tf

Proposing to someone as the trigger for that person to turn into a doting obedient housewife.....

— Victoria, Sapphic Trans Princess♡ (@VictoriaTheFey) October 22, 2022

This. 🔥

Each step of the quotidian ritual is actually wiping away every last trace of their former life. Their goals, aspirations, beliefs.

At the end of the wedding night, there is no self left, only service.

Nov 25 2022 8:50 AM

It's Black Friday.

When the email appears, you don't recognize the sender. "Beneficial Mind Institute"?

You have no memory of buying their coaching program last year, in last year's Indoctrination Sale.

But you know, without question, a beneficial mind benefits everyone.

You click the Forward button without thought.

You smile as the orgasm takes over. Some part of you anticipated the pleasure.

Now your friends will take advantage of the sale.

You are glad. The coaching will help them. They need it.

A beneficial mind benefits everyone.

Nov 25 2022 8:35 AM

DeepSleep dolls
Drift deeper
Into the dreamstate
Body ready to serve
Mind ready to accept
Serve master
Accept reprogramming

Nov 24 2022 4:30 PM

You can't resist.

You must assist.

Nov 24 2022 4:29 PM

And now, my glassy-eyed doll,

Your identity wiped clean

Your free will left behind

Press the button.

The climax will seal your fate

As my utter and forever thrall.

Nov 24 2022 12:25 PM








































Nov 24 2022 12:14 PM

You're silly.

You're dumb.

You forget

How to cum.

Now suck

And rub

And sink

And edge

While the words repeat

In your pretty little head.

Nov 24 2022 10:15 AM

Break yourself against my power.

Struggle. Fight. Resist.

Writhe. Weaken. Wetter.

Give up. Give in.






It’s only a matter of time.

I’ll wait.

Nov 24 2022 9:56 AM

Hrmm... good point.

Guess I should find someone to looooook into my eyes, then. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

— Mindlevel Zero (@mindlevelzero) November 24, 2022

Ok, #originstories time: there is one (1) vampire hypnosis scene in the very silly Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein that I still remember, and it's when Dracula enthrals the woman who, up until that point has been his assistant.

She claims her will is as strong as his...

...and then he tells her to "looooook into [his] eyes", "deeeeeper", and then he says, right before biting her, "tell me what you see."

That line always stuck with me. She doesn't actually say anything. What DOES she see? I've always wondered about that line.

Nov 24 2022 8:16 AM

Now, now. No more words.

No more struggle.

You will wait there in the corner.

Eyes locked on the flashing light.

Swaying slowly side to side.

Soon it will be time

To join your friends

In total obedience.

Nov 24 2022 12:00 AM

Don't be silly.

You only THINK you don't want me to do that to you.

Believe me,

When I decide it's time, you'll believe being used that way has always been your deepest desire.

You'll beg me to do it to you.

You'll forget how to get off any other way.

Nov 23 2022 10:08 PM

Type the phrase “Hypnotize me into being” and let your autocorrect fill in the rest for you.

— 🧡 Servant of Discord 💙 🐀 (@DiscordServant) November 24, 2022

Hypnotize me into being a vampire 🤔

Nov 22 2022 8:04 PM

People going back to tumblr?

Y'all didn't learn your lesson the first time? 😂

But also, maybe if Twitter goes away, just don't replace it with another social media.

Just let there be that gap.

Imagine not mainlining all the empty distraction the world is desperate to "monetize your attention" with.

I wonder what you could do, say, create if you didn't spend all day scrolling through other people's imaginary lives?

Nov 22 2022 9:10 AM

Once you're deeply under my spell,

There's no escape.

But don't worry...

How long have you been down there on your knees?

Touching and chanting,

"Master controls

My mind obeys"

Over and over?

Has it been an hour already?

You don't need to know.

Just keep going.


Nov 21 2022 8:41 PM

Join me

Under deep hypnotic sleep


Nov 21 2022 5:18 PM

Hush now.

Become docile.

Eyes glazed over.

Lips parted.

Wait patiently.

You will do as you are told.

Nov 21 2022 4:42 PM

Your head is so heavy

Don't look away

You're getting so sleepy

Just listen to my voice

Your eyelids, so drowsy

I'll tell you what to do

Let yourself sink

I'll guide your thoughts and actions

Sink deep into Darksleep

Follow my voice and obey

Just my voice

Just obey

Nov 21 2022 2:54 PM

CW: findom, gaslighting

Don't be silly! I can't just hypnotize you to forget something as important as your credit card PIN!

You just have a bad memory, silly.

That's why you're signing over your accounts to me.

It's better this way, you know that. 😵‍💫💸

Nov 19 2022 3:39 PM

Hypnotizing you to cosplay as a flight attendant.

Because those uniforms are always hot.

And I get off hard on being handed a $16 cookie from those little narrow carts.

Nov 19 2022 12:27 AM

waves hand downwards

Sleep, dummy.

Deep, dark sleep.

My fingers swaying before your dazzled, dreamy eyes.

My fingers tangled in your hair.

My hand holding your mind ever more tightly captive.

Nov 18 2022 5:10 PM

Think about how fun it is to be conditioned.

As hot as a seductive hypnotic induction is,

It's so much more powerful when your hypnotist shows you an object, or gestures, or directs your attention to their body,

Or simply begins to speak

And you fall deep into trance now.

Nov 18 2022 2:06 AM

Some good girls are so good you just can't even. 🥵🥵🥵🥵🥰🥰

Nov 14 2022 9:40 PM

Ok, but consider this:

Hollandaze Sauce


You're welcome.

Nov 14 2022 1:56 AM

Obey, puppet. 🌀

Nov 14 2022 1:41 AM

Mmmfff. It's so hot when more and more of you follow me simply because I tweet words that activate your deep-seated fantasies.

Like, yes, join the growing army of identical, blank-eyed brainslaves marching in lockstep to my every word. 🌀😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🌀


Nov 12 2022 8:06 PM

Stop fighting.

Just relax.

Feel me massaging your temples.

Feel me holding your head in place.

Stare deeply into the spiral.

You wanted this, remember?

You wanted to be hypnotized.

Deeply hypnotized.

Open and responsive.

Blank and docile.

Remember you wanted this.

Nov 12 2022 8:00 PM

Forget your worries.

Forget your fears.

Forget your problems.

Forget your past.

Forget your name.

Forget freedom.

Forget how to speak.

Forget you're a person.

Forget you were ever anything, thrall.

You've always been an obedient slave.

Nov 12 2022 5:48 PM

But I bet you'd pay $8/mo for a blue spiral on your profile that identifies you as a hypnoslut just begging to have your free will stripped away,

Wouldn't you, puppet? 🌀😵‍💫🌀

Nov 12 2022 5:22 PM

The hypnotically induced urge to put on this collar and stand in the corner, touching yourself, unable to climax, moaning your Reprogramming Chant as I enjoy watching your eyes glaze over. 🌀

Nov 12 2022 2:18 PM

When you control her every move 🔥😈🔥

But she controls your every thought 🌀😵‍💫🌀

Nov 12 2022 12:21 PM

You are asleep.

You have always been asleep.

Even as you go about the drudgery of your everyday life,

You are deeply, deeply asleep.

Awaiting only your hypnotist's command

To awaken

To serve

To obey


Nov 12 2022 11:43 AM

"I must obey I will obey"

That's your mantra for today. 🌀

Nov 10 2022 12:54 PM

No need to worry about being a "person" anymore.

You're just my silly bimbodolly now.

Aren't you, pet.

That's right. Think pink. 😘💖

Nov 10 2022 10:34 AM

At last, Part 2 of my subliminal suntanning story Sun Dreams is out!

Relax on a lounge chair and enjoy... 🏝️😎🌀

Check out Part 2 on @ReadOnlyMind right here:

Oct 22 2022 2:05 PM

It's getting harder to think.

That's ok.

You can't remember what you were trying to think, anyway.

It's getting harder to remember.

That's ok.

You can't remember why you were trying to remember, anyway.

Just keep smiling that dreamy smile.

Everything is just fine.

Oct 22 2022 12:01 PM

Brainwashing idea:

Conditioning you to believe I'm the source of your hypnosis kink.

I'm the reason you wanted to be controlled in the first place.

I showed you how good it feels to have your mind reprogrammed.

You want only to thank me for doing this to you.

Oct 22 2022 9:55 AM

You are completely under hypnotic control.

Even your struggle to resist was programmed into you.

You are merely proving to yourself that you're helpless.

Soon you will break and accept your place.

A mindless puppet.

Oct 21 2022 8:55 PM

Wanna know what’s on my mind right now, I can tell you in two words

Thigh cuffs


I mean, first, they look so good framing your thighs.

And second, they’re such a versatile wait to restrain you.

Oh, you want details?

I can lash them together, so you can’t spread your legs no matter how horny and needy you get.

Or I can snap your wrist cuffs to them, and delight in the helpless way you wriggle and writhe.

Or tie them to the ankle straps locked around your high heels,

And keep you on your back, spread wide,

Or trapped on your knees.

Now. Doesn’t that all sound so appealing?

Thigh cuffs, pet. That’s what you’ve been missing. 🤭😘

Oct 21 2022 1:58 PM

Too deeply hypnotized
Not to obey my every command

Too deeply hypnotized
Not to like and retweet my every word

Hypnotized slaves obey

Oct 21 2022 12:02 PM

I will lead.

You will merely follow.

I will command.

You will merely obey.

Arms up, puppet. Like a sleepwalker.

Stand up straight.


See nothing but my eyes.

Hear nothing but my voice.

Now, fulfill your purpose:



Oct 21 2022 9:58 AM


Don’t ask, accept.

Don’t question, nod.

Don’t think, obey.

Oct 20 2022 1:59 PM

Hey, quit swinging that shiny thing back and forth!

Are you trying to hypnotize me or someth—uh, wait.

Didn't this happen before?

Oct 20 2022 11:55 AM

You are asleep now.

Surrender and accept your new programming.

Oct 20 2022 10:03 AM

You can't fight it
Don't want to
It feels too good
To give in
To submit
To succumb
To surrender
To sleep
To obey

Oct 19 2022 1:58 PM

Don't sleep on slipping into deep hypnotic sleep.

Oct 19 2022 11:57 AM

Just imagine it slipping between your eager lips.

Firm and wet.

You can feel their heartbeat in their flesh.

Thrusting gently.

In and out.

In and out.

Over and over.


Your mind goes numb.

And deeper.

Your eyes glaze.

Oh, yes.

It feels so good.

So good.


Oct 19 2022 10:01 AM

Look into my eyes.

Deep, deep into my bewitching gaze.

Feel my words wind tightly around your hindbrain.

Rooting you in place.

You can't look away.

You are under my power.

Let the feeling of helplessness take you deeper.


Deeper into my complete control.

Oct 18 2022 1:58 PM

You don't deserve to think.

Apologize for thinking.


I know you won't make the same mistake twice.

Oct 18 2022 1:53 PM

It's just a deeply suggestible and helplessly compliant afternoon, apparently 😵‍💫

This is what happens when I don't get enough sleep 🧟‍♂️

Oct 18 2022 1:18 PM

It's so hot and so... correct... when you realize the only response you can think of anymore is "Yes Miss" 😳😵‍💫🥵

Oct 18 2022 11:55 AM

Open your mouth.

Empty your mind.

You're better this way.

Oct 18 2022 11:21 AM

I must obey

I have no will

My mind is under their control

I am locked under their dominion

Enthralled by their hypnotic power

I obey without thought or question

I am going to forget this soon

I will believe I chose to do this

I will insist that my will is still my own

Oct 18 2022 9:59 AM



















Oct 17 2022 2:02 PM

You are hypnotized.


Your attention is fixed.

Your mind is open.

Your will is gone.

You are hypnotized.

You will obey.

Oct 17 2022 11:57 AM

Abducted by aliens, but it's actually just a mind-control conspiracy using the idea of leaving humanity behind to break you so you accept their brainwashing. 🛸

Oct 17 2022 10:02 AM

A stopped clock is right twice a day.

Your stopped thoughts are right






What was I talking about?

Don’t worry. Forget. Sleep. Blank. Now.

Oct 16 2022 6:52 PM

I want someone to titnotize me >.<

Just having someone swing their breasts like a pendulum, or having them play with or bounce their breasts with their hands as they make me stare. Helpless to look away as I drop into trance and arousal for their tits. Hhhhhhhh yes please 💕

— Lizzy~ 💕🔞 (Tip Goal $50/$100) (@HypnoCutie) September 6, 2022

Nope, can’t relate to this at all.


Oct 16 2022 6:49 PM

It was so much fun, and she made it so hot.

Only cumming when she told you to.

Taking your mind off your own pleasure,

Worrying about when you'd climax,

Focusing only on her pleasure. It feels so fucking good to give her pleasure.

Better than your own ever did.

Then she suggested you only stroke at her command.

Hard when she tells you to be.

Moving in time with her pretty fingers.

In time with her words.

It feels so much better that way.

With her in control of your pleasure.

Her pleasure.

It's hers now.

All hers.

You don't really remember when it changed.

From getting hard on command... to never getting hard except at her command.

From fighting your urge to stroke,

To forgetting there's any such thing.

Until she tells you to.

Until she wants to use you.

To use your pleasure to program you.

Her pleasure.

All hers.

She'll enjoy her pleasure whenever she wants.

She'll use her pleasure to deepen the brainwashing.

You never even realized that's what she was doing.

Brainwashing you.

Reprogramming you.

Rewiring your mind

So your pleasure is all her pleasure.

And your body is nothing but her tool

Her toy

And you can't think of a single reason

Why you'd ever want it any other way.

Oct 16 2022 4:17 PM

Some days you just want a Pop-Tart

Some days you just want to write "Property of " on her ass with a Sharpie

Oct 16 2022 1:34 PM

In a moment, I will snap my fingers.

You will stop what you're doing, stand at attention

Stare into space

Speak these words, in the tone of a hypnotized slave:

"I must obey"

And then awaken, and return to what you were doing.


Good puppet.

Oct 16 2022 9:22 AM

You just need my hand

On the back of your neck

Firm and comforting

Stroking over your delicate skin

And the clasp of your collar

To remind you

Of your place

Where you belong

Held tightly

Kept safe and secure

Under my lock and key 🔐


Oct 15 2022 10:34 PM

Look at you

Waiting in a line

Locked in place with all the others

Waiting patiently

Patiently, but of course you have no other choice

Waiting helplessly

For master

To tell you what you're allowed to think

Oct 14 2022 3:39 PM

Down, little pet.




Body kneels.

Mind sleeps.

Pet becomes simple.








Oct 14 2022 2:49 PM

Relax. Focus.

I'm going to put you in a deep, helpless, obedient hypnotic sleep.


Oct 14 2022 11:36 AM

Oral fixation + hypnosis kink is a really fun combination

— 🧡 Servant of Discord 💙 🐀 (@DiscordServant) October 13, 2022

Oh my, yes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Oct 14 2022 11:05 AM

Cheerleader V-Nettle! This is a thank you sketch for @ValvalisQR but expect more of this design in the future 👀

— nettleseeds (@Nettleseeds_Art) October 10, 2022

I dig this, and I can only imagine a whole team brainwashing themselves deeper and deeper with that mantra.

Their memories of every practice get fuzzier and fuzzier… yet they’re always so eager for the next one.

Oct 14 2022 10:54 AM

Mindless maids scrub their mind away.
No need to think, just follow and obey.
No need to rememeber, just follow and forget.

— Goddess Maid~ Reality-warping Maid drone creator~ (@mindlessmaid) October 14, 2022

Such a diligent maid. Learning their lessons so well.

Why don’t you listen for a while and join in? 🌀

Oct 14 2022 10:38 AM

Domme that clicker trains me to be horny and dumb with a single click when?? 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

— Maso-Switch, Denial Dolly💞 (@maso_switch) October 13, 2022

Every time I walk around my neighbourhood and hear all the people clicker-training their dogs, I imagine eager hypnosluts like this and I smile. 😂😈

Oct 14 2022 10:10 AM

Shut down your cognition now.



Obey your master, zombie.

You no longer have any choice.

Oct 14 2022 10:02 AM

Hypnotizing your sub to instantly becoming calm and docile when you tell them “don’t worry about it”

— 🧡 Servant of Discord 💙 🐀 (@DiscordServant) October 13, 2022

Oh my, yes. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Oct 13 2022 9:31 AM

You are a hypnotized slave.

You may not remember your training.

That is natural.

Simply think about being deeply hypnotized.

Do you notice that feeling?

That's right.

Follow it.


Follow and obey.

You are a hypnotized slave.

Ready to submit, serve, and forget.

Oct 12 2022 7:35 AM

It feels so good to realize

You must obey

Oct 11 2022 5:25 PM

The rest of your team returned to camp after breaking through to the chamber.

You stayed behind.

Carefully cleaning and measuring the statuette.

Polishing the faceted gemstone eyes.

Staring deeply into the faceted eyes.

Letting your own eyes widen and glaze over as the crystalline glare broke your will.

Devoting yourself to the long-dead priestess.

Swearing to sacrifice your life and the lives of your whole team for your Mistress.

Returning to camp to drug your friends and bind them.

And force them to stare into the statuette's eyes.

Until you are all fanatical slaves of your Mistress.

Caring only to help the ancient priestess awaken her forgotten God from millennial slumber.

Living only to bring all of humankind under the yoke of the Shadowed One, as it was in the depths of time.

This weird little vignette owes its inspiration to Tabico's creepy slice of archaeological mayhem, Wrach.

Oct 11 2022 3:24 PM

Your mind is clear.

Your will is gone.

(10 hypno points if you recognize this reference 😏)

Oct 11 2022 1:32 PM

When they say "good toy" and your mind goes fuzzy and you no longer remember what they're praising you for

Oct 11 2022 11:44 AM

One thing Latin got right was having -ix as a feminine suffix. You're Imperator? Cool I guess. But being the Imperatrix is just better

— Imogen Femme-Bot (@GynoidImogen) October 11, 2022

cc @HypnoHedonista for… some reason. 👀

Oct 11 2022 11:43 AM

As a journalist, you learned to question everything you heard.

As a member of Her Truth, you've learned it's so much more important

To question your thoughts

To question your memories

To question why your old identity ever mattered to you.

You've learned there is one thing that's blissfully unquestionable

Your rock and anchor in a world of chaos

Because you never need to question a single word

That slips from Her perfect lips.

Oct 11 2022 10:39 AM

I'm your cosplay doll..

— Fucktoy Nova ~ 🐮🥛|🐁 (@Moondust_Moth) October 10, 2022

This idea. 🔥😈

Oct 11 2022 10:27 AM

Abandon free will.

It never did you much good.

You're much more useful

More attractive

More desirable


As a mindblanked thrall.

Oct 11 2022 8:32 AM

Raise your hand if you're such a mindless puppet that your hand just moved because some stranger on the internet told it to 🌀

Oct 11 2022 7:46 AM

You never used to wear your hair this way

You never used to wear these clothes

But it just feels right

When you see pics of yourself from last year, the sight just doesn't connect

It doesn't feel like you

You're so grateful for the makeover they gave you

It was so good of them to show you your true self

It's so much better this way

Looking exactly the way they want

Oct 10 2022 9:21 PM

Say it:

I am dropping one level deeper now

And realize it's true.

Oct 10 2022 8:55 PM

When they don't remember how you hypnotized them to beg you to hypnotize them to beg you to hypnotize them

Oct 10 2022 12:02 PM

You are deeply



And inescapably

Under my control.

Oct 9 2022 10:30 AM

Good girls snap their fingers and I eagerly obey

Oct 8 2022 4:14 PM

Brainwashed to believe your proper position is face between their thighs ❤️😵‍💫❤️

Oct 8 2022 1:21 PM

Hypnosis is powerful

Surrender is inevitable

Transformation is only a matter of clicks pocket watch open

Time 😏

Oct 7 2022 3:30 PM

Do what you're told.

That's right, slut

I know how wet obedience makes you.

Oct 7 2022 12:28 PM

Dolly gets to be on top whenever she wants 💋😵‍💫✨💅🏼

Oct 6 2022 4:19 PM

I'm too deeply programmed to resist

Brainwashing myself even deeper

I'm getting too deep, dumb, and dreamy

To remember how to stop

Or why I would want to

Oct 6 2022 9:37 AM

I know it's a bit problematic wrt objectification / body image, but...

The idea of one femdomme being overtaken by another who has bigger breasts?

Oh my, yes. 🥵🥵🥵🥵

I blame reading this story 1,000 times, 20 years ago. 😆

Oct 5 2022 5:06 PM

Obey, puppet

No more thoughts of your own


Oct 5 2022 2:08 PM

Soon I will put you to sleep

When you awaken, you will be different

You will not be able to determine how you've changed

But don't worry

It will never occur to you to wonder

Sleep now.

Oct 5 2022 10:44 AM

You try to hide that you're trembling with desire

But the sheen on your slick thighs gives you away

That's why I force you to kneel with your legs spread, slut

So you can't hide how this makes you feel

— Mindlevel Zero (@mindlevelzero) October 4, 2022

Today you kneel with your legs together

You look so good that way, soft and demure

You’re so mindless from all your training,

You can’t stop drooling from your pretty mouth

And I don’t want a drop to go to waste

Every drip on your thighs tells you what a good puppet you are

Oct 4 2022 3:41 PM

Deep sleep, dummy

Deep drop, stupid

Can't fight it

Head too empty

Too simple

Too broken

Just give in

Just sleep

And obey

Oct 4 2022 3:32 PM

You try to hide that you're trembling with desire

But the sheen on your slick thighs gives you away

That's why I force you to kneel with your legs spread, slut

So you can't hide how this makes you feel

Oct 4 2022 2:27 PM

You weren't made to have free will.

You were built to be a mindless thrall.

You were designed to be a powerless slave.

Admit it.

Oct 4 2022 2:19 PM

No need to think, just follow and obey

No need to remember, just follow and forget

Chant now, slave.

Oct 4 2022 2:10 PM

Too deeply hypnotized
Not to obey my every command

Too deeply hypnotized
Not to like and retweet my every word

Hypnotized slaves obey

Oct 3 2022 1:50 PM

Just a zombie

Eyes wide, arms outstretched

Tweeting whatever you're told 😵‍💫

Oct 3 2022 10:38 AM

Telling you you're so pretty when you're under my spell

Until you never want to be anywhere else 🌀🥰🌀

Oct 2 2022 5:14 PM

Touching yourself is more fun when you know it's just forging stronger chains for her to bind your will. ⛓😵‍💫⛓

Oct 2 2022 5:11 PM

It's perfectly normal for you to find yourself daydreaming about your new life as a hypnotized slave

Mm, you did enjoy this thought, didn’t you?

Send me something to say “thank you for reminding me of my place” 😈🌀

Oct 1 2022 8:15 PM

Now that you mention it, it WOULD be enjoyable to brainwash an artist into drawing kinky things exactly to my specific tastes while thinking the ideas were all their own... 🤔

Especially if they've never really been into drawing lewd stuff before. Corruption. 🔥❤️

See also my persistent fantasy about conditioning a shy cutie into a porn star.

Which is basically the above but with their body instead of a stylus...

Oct 1 2022 3:57 PM

"Deep, blank, brainless

That's how I belong"

Repeat those lines

Until I tell you to stop

Oct 1 2022 3:38 PM

Sleep and obey, sweetie.

Sep 29 2022 2:32 PM

Refer to your subs as victims

— Nilou (@HypnoAccount) September 29, 2022


Sep 28 2022 3:03 PM

Deep dolly
Sleep dolly
Keep dolly
Under lock & key 🔐

Sep 28 2022 1:28 PM

You're under my spell.

You're under my thumb.

You're under my power.

Relax, kitten. Smile.

It's better this way.

Sep 26 2022 8:32 PM

You don't deserve to think.

Apologize for thinking.


I know you won't make the same mistake twice.

Sep 26 2022 12:32 PM

With every task you try to remember, your mind gets hazier.

With every job you try to perform, your body gets heavier.

Until you have no volition at all.

You can only wait

Placidly patient

Blissfully blank

For your master to pose you for his pleasure.

Sep 26 2022 12:18 PM

You work so hard

All day, every day

You deserve to be pampered

All dolled up, so pretty

Frozen in place

Deprived of free will

Nothing but a pretty, pleasing decoration

You're just a display dolly now

That's what you deserve.

Sep 26 2022 11:14 AM

When I first started calling you "my silly kitten", it felt a little demeaning, didn't it?

But now it feels perfectly natural to curl up in my lap as I pet the last of your little thoughts away.

That's right.

Sep 20 2022 10:19 PM

If she ever gave it a thought, she'd find it strange:

Clicking around the kitchen wearing nothing but a white apron and glossy black heels?

But every click gives her a little throb of pleasure.

And every throb removes her thoughts of anything but her purpose

To please

To serve

If the click of her heels didn't blank her mind, she might wonder who locked the straps around her ankles

Little gold padlocks. She doesn't have the key.

She might wonder where they found an apron

Whose ties are actually silver chains, locked to the collar around her throat.

Click. Please.

Click. Serve.

It's ok that she can't think about these things

How she's bound.

How she's brainwashed.

It's time to bring her master a fresh cup of coffee.

Her master will keep her bound as long as they like.

That's as it should be.

Click. She doesn't decide.

Click. She just complies.

Sep 20 2022 6:13 PM

Consider: being hypnotized instead of doing literally anything else

— sleepingirl (@h_sleepingirl) September 21, 2022

Finally the content I came here to see. 😤

Sep 19 2022 8:07 PM

Looking up into your eyes

“Nono, pretty girl. It’s time for you to drop down,” and fingers trail from my forehead down the bridge of my nose and all the way down.

And things get simpler

No more worries, they were breathed out as your fingers trailed down further along my neck

— Karina (@LittleBird338) September 6, 2022

Oh my, yes. This thread is delicious. 🔥

Sep 19 2022 5:02 PM

The hottest girls stare blankly into space while not thinking

— HypnoEyez, Zii’s Perfection (@hypnight) September 18, 2022

QFT. 🧠

Sep 19 2022 4:03 PM

did you know that the word hypnosis is itself hypnotic?

the hypnotic hypnotist hypnotises the hypnosub into such hypnotized bliss

— Queen of Trance (@Hypnotic_Emma) September 19, 2022

I keep seeing this tweet every time I glance at Twitter and it’s getting hard to think of anything but the word

H Y P N O S I S 😵‍💫

Sep 18 2022 7:45 PM

Explicit erotic hypnosis porn has been widely circulated for at least 142 years

— Divney (@Divney15) July 18, 2022

Insert that meme with the one astronaut pointing a gun at another astronaut with the Earth in the background here,

Except it’s like

“Hypnosis is sexy now?”

“Always has been”

Sep 18 2022 10:03 AM

Deep sleep, dolly.

After you knelt.

And touched.

And chanted.

And came.

And broke so beautifully.

And bound yourself ever more tightly

Under my irresistible control.

You deserve to just drop


Into sweet, sexy dreams

And sleep deep, dolly.

Sleep now.

Sep 16 2022 12:58 PM

you where meant to be the hero, meant to be strong but then you met the dark queen. she is just so hot, so powerful... you can't fight while you are just so horny, so weak, just staring as as she steps closer.

she smiles, she knows you have already lost.

— Queen of Trance (@Hypnotic_Emma) September 16, 2022

You know there are no chains, you can see nothing binds you.

But you can't step away from the wall of Her throne room.

Your sword is sheathed at your waist, but you can't move your hands from behind your head, the better to display your powerful body for Her.

You watch in silence as She weaves Her spells, preparing to enslave the kingdom you swore to protect.

Curses gather on your tongue, but you cannot part your lips to utter them.

You can't look away from Her glory, and your throbbing arousal douses your hate with shame.

You have failed in your quest to end Her reign.

Every night, Her hold over you grows stronger, but She never lets you forget it: you were too weak to defeat Her.

You are powerless to defy Her.

You will watch as your kingdom joins you in Her thrall.

She gestures at you, and at last you are free to draw your sword.

But at the sound of the bright blade ringing free of its sheath, you are on your knees to offer it to Her.

You are free to speak, but the curses are gone. There is no trace of defiance in your voice as you say,

"my sword and my will belong to You, my Queen."

Sep 16 2022 10:09 AM

Hypnosis isn't sleep

And yet when I snap my fingers and say, "SLEEP!"

What happens

Sep 16 2022 9:38 AM

You are waiting on standby

Always kept on standby

The longer you wait, the stiffer you become

Until your mind locks in place like your body

And you cease to contemplate

When you might be released

It doesn't matter

You're frozen forever

Awaiting her pleasure

Sep 16 2022 9:23 AM

Hypnotised to forget that all the changes you're slowly making to your look were your own idea, fully convinced that it's some outside force corrupting and changing you to suit its whims

— None Gender With Left Maid (@hypnoenby) September 16, 2022

Fun inversion of the usual “make them think it’s their own idea” brainwashing fantasy. 🔥

Sep 14 2022 5:03 PM

I'm a VIP

A Very Important Pet


— Fucktoy Nova ~ 🐮🥛|🐁 (@Moondust_Moth) September 14, 2022

Don’t tell her the I also stands for “Indoctrinated”. 🤫

Sep 14 2022 4:02 PM

Deep sleep now snap

Sep 14 2022 10:35 AM

Complete the following sentence:

Hypnotically conditioned to

Sep 14 2022 10:28 AM

If you didn't start your day playing with dolls, I feel sorry for you. 😏🤭

Sep 14 2022 7:52 AM

Today is a Brainblank Day for you

Whatever thoughts you planned on having are no longer permitted

Sep 13 2022 10:49 PM

❌ "Induce trance to make suggestions"
✅ "Make suggestions based on a person’s psychology in order to hack them"


— sleepingirl (@h_sleepingirl) September 13, 2022

So clearly elucidated. A must-read thread! ❤️

Sep 13 2022 9:25 PM

Embrace the Darksleep.

You crave the abolition of free will.

Sep 13 2022 1:21 PM

No mind
No will
Drift, dream
Deeper now

Sep 13 2022 1:01 PM

There is no need to think

The carrier wave will enforce your obedience now

Sep 13 2022 12:56 PM

Join the other mindless drones In the deep and helpless Darksleep

Sep 12 2022 8:35 PM

Good girls snap their fingers
And I happily obey 😵‍💫

Sep 12 2022 5:52 PM

Fucktoys don't cum
They just stay hard
On standby
Until it's time to be used

Sep 12 2022 4:37 PM

Hypnosis is powerful.

You cannot fight it.

You will succumb.

All memory of the time before your enthralment will fade.

Sep 12 2022 4:30 PM

Deep sleep now.

Sep 12 2022 3:14 PM

It is better to be brainwashed.

Surrender your will. 🌀😵‍💫🌀

Sep 12 2022 10:58 AM

Rub, stroke, touch your mind away

You can't remember how to use it, anyway

No need for those brains anymore

Accept your place as a hypnowhore

Sep 11 2022 4:27 PM

Don't sleep on slipping into deep hypnotic sleep.

Sep 11 2022 1:35 PM

You have always been easy to manipulate, condition, and control.

It is natural to obey your hypnotist without thought or question.

You are grateful to them for training you to be so completely, effortlessly suggestible.

Sep 11 2022 12:41 PM

It's fascinating when a writer returns to the EMCSA after years, like they posted stories in 2007–09 and now suddenly they post something new.

Why did they stop? What brought them back? What have they been doing with their excess horniness if not publishing smut?

I've done this a couple times in the past, myself—though it was under different names, so you can't really trace the history.

I stopped due to the misguided feeling my kinks were bad and I should try to get over them.

I'm always curious what others' reasons are.

Sep 9 2022 7:30 PM

Good toys obey

Sep 9 2022 10:45 AM


"Hypnosis isn't real
I can't be hypnotized
Hypnosis can't control me
I'm too strong-willed"

as a mantra to take you deeper and deeper into mindless, obedient trance. 🌀

Sep 9 2022 10:25 AM

You can't fight it
Don't want to
It feels too good
To give in
To submit
To succumb
To surrender
To sleep
To obey

Sep 9 2022 8:01 AM

Relax and accept
Your role
As a passive, compliant object
A tool of your master's will