You Asked Nicely, So, Yes: I’ll Brainwash You

Feb 20 2018
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You asked nicely, so, yes: I’ll brainwash you. You’re about to be brainwashed. Are you ready?

Let me help you start on the right foot. Form your request like this:

Please brainwash me to

That doesn’t make a lot of sense on its own; it’s unfinished. Stay with me, now. Just say those words. Then say them again. Now, again. And again... good.

They form a loop.

Loops are an important part of brainwashing, because they have no natural beginning or end—they just repeat. Repetition is how you train your brain to habituate a new behaviour. Now, pay attention.

Keep repeating that loop in your head: Please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please

Good. Now, habituating new behaviours is the core of brainwashing. What you regularly do, becomes the new you.

Remember: please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please brainwash me to please

Keep repeating the loop in your head. So you can see that repetition is very important to brainwashing. You can see how you have already begun repeating, and that’s very good, that’s very important. You can see how you’re already being brainwashed. 

You’re already being brainwashed.

Keep going.
