Filed under sywbb

toys tits cant resist trance for tits cant

Feb 20 2016
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Toy’s tits, can’t resist

Trance for tits, can’t resist

Trained by tits, can’t resist

Toy for tits, can’t resist

Submitted by @map72

They Were Calling Her Back to the Shore

Feb 19 2016
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They were calling her, back to the shore.

She had almost escaped. She’d made it further than she’d let herself imagine, almost to the water’s edge. Almost to the deep, black bliss of freedom.

They were calling her, the voices they’d installed in her head.

The water glittered, dazzling her. The way the lights they’d used kept her dazzled for days. She felt so sleepy, her body so heavy as it turned away. Away from the deep. Away from freedom.

They were calling her, back to the shore.

Her heavy feet carried her towards the van. The wind was chilly against her bare skin. A moment ago, staring at the dazzling water, she’d shivered. Now, she felt only a spreading warmth.

They were calling her, back to the shore.

They were calling her, back to where she belonged.

Submitted by @hypnobabble


french maid unit 9 is so pretty and posable

Feb 19 2016
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French Maid Unit #9 is so pretty and posable, she’s mostly just used for decoration. She struts around the house, freezing into place on command. The other maids keep her hair teased out and her uniform pristine. She’s a very good role model for the pretty pets currently undergoing their own programming. 

Oh, and before her programming? She was @entrancedpuppet. But that hardly matters now, does it? It certainly doesn’t matter to her. There’s only one thing she needs to know, and she’ll be the first to tell you:

Chores first, whores later.

Submitted by @entrancedpuppet - Submit to the Unit


close your eyes and sink deeper up and down suck

Feb 18 2016
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Close your eyes and sink deeper.

Up and down. Suck and sink.

Close your eyes and drop deeper.

In and out. Toys don’t think.

Close your eyes and sink deeper.

Up and down. Suck and sink.

Close your eyes and slip deeper.

In and out. Toys don’t think.

Close your eyes and sink deeper.

Up and down. Suck and sink.

Close your eyes and sleep deeper.

Into trance. You can’t think.

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Ugh why can't I cum i keep repeating...

Feb 18 2016
sywbb // comments

Ugh why can't I cum i keep repeating it staring and sinking is better than sinking but i still can't cum

Thinking, pet. Staring and sinking is better than *thinking*. Keep repeating. Keep playing. Why would you want to cum? It’s so much better to let the waves of pleasure take you right to the edge over and over, washing your will away. Now, just repeat, forget and repeat. Stare and sink. Play and obey.

do you like her shes stunning the thing is

Feb 18 2016
sywbb // comments
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Do you like her? She’s stunning.

The thing is, some toys, like this one,

Are in use, even when not in use.

Let me explain.

See her clear, glassy eyes?

That’s right, you can stare.

She won’t move ’til commanded

She doesn’t know you’re even there.

See her glossy pink lips?

Imagine what they could do

You’re getting lost in the fantasy

She got lost there, too.

Sink to your knees for her

That’s right, just let go

You’ll be joining her shortly

That’s all you need to know.

Via - Source

up and down slow smooth strokes over and over

Feb 17 2016
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Up and down

Slow, smooth strokes

Over and over

Mind goes blank

Up and down

Slow, smooth strokes

Over and over

Mind goes blank

Up and down

Forget who you are

Over and over

Slow, smooth strokes

Up and down

Forget what you’re doing

Over and over

Mind goes blank

Up and down

Forget your name

Over and over

Slow, smooth strokes

Up and down

You are a fucktoy

Over and over

Slow, smooth strokes

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suck cock head bobbing never stop mouth in use

Feb 16 2016
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Suck cock

Head bobbing

Never stop

Mouth in use

Suck cock

Hand stroking

Never stop

Just a toy

Suck cock

Eyes empty

Never stop

Mind blank

Suck cock


kylierunsthis how older maid units welcome new

Feb 16 2016
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How older maid units welcome new maid units.

Good girl, Unit #3.

french maid drones are very efficient they have

Feb 16 2016
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French Maid Drones are very efficient. They have to be.

That’s how they’re programmed.

They have to perform all their tasks to perfection.

At the same time, though, they must always be sexy.

Ready to please. To be put on display.

French Maid Drones are useful, but they must also be pleasing.

A mindless servant, and a slutty pleasure doll.

Do you believe you can be both at once?

If you’ve got what it takes, submit to the Unit today.



triggered toys spring into action show off your

Feb 15 2016
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Triggered toys spring into action

Show off your tits, no one can resist

Triggered toys spring into action

Show off your tits, no one can resist

Triggered toys spring into action

Show off your tits, no one can resist

Triggered toys spring into action

Show off your tits, no one can resist

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kneel on display toys obey put your hands behind

Feb 15 2016
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On display, toys obey

Put your hands behind your back

On display, toys obey

Stay still while you’re collared

On display, toys obey

Repeat your mantra

On display, toys obey

Remember this posture

On display, toys obey

Forget everything else

On display, toys obey

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french maid unit 7 shes skinny sexy stupid

Feb 14 2016
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French Maid Unit #7. She’s skinny, sexy, stupid, servile. She’s all that remains of @braindrainedbri.

When you’re done with your drinks, she’ll take them away.

When you tell her, she’ll stop, bend over, obey.

She’s just one more programmed fuckdoll. A sweet sister-drone.

Join the French Maid Unit, pet, and you’ll never be alone.

Submitted by @braindrainedbri - Source

body in use happy to serve stare and sink play

Feb 14 2016
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Body in use.

Happy to serve.

Stare and sink.

Play and obey.

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staring and sinking is better than thinking horny

Feb 13 2016
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Staring and sinking is better than thinking

Horny and wet, you’re a brainwashed pet

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

Stay blank and still, you’ve been drained of will

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

Empty and deep, dolly’s mind is asleep

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

This is perfection, now await your collection


This story was written for @ladyandthetrance, inspired by, and using, pictures of her lovely self that she was gracious enough to share with us. Let’s thank her for being such a delightful member of our little kink community. ♥︎


what was going on staring and sinking is better

Feb 13 2016
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What was going on?

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

What was… what was happening to her?

Continue to fall, you’re a mindless fuck-doll

Where… was she? Was this her house?

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

Why… was it so hard to think?

Continue to fall, you’re a mindless fuck-doll

Why was she so… so horny… and… couldn’t stop…

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

She couldn’t stop… playing… and couldn’t… couldn’t cum…

Continue to fall, you’re a mindless fuck-doll

Why couldn’t she… she had to… just needed… to keep… falling…

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

She had to just keep falling… becoming… becoming a…

Continue to fall, you’re a mindless fuck-doll

To be continued…

Created for @ladyandthetrance, using pictures of her lovely self that she was gracious enough to share with us.


so relaxed she couldnt move staring and sinking

Feb 12 2016
sywbb // comments
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So relaxed. She couldn’t move.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

So horny. She couldn’t think.

Empty your mind, leave your old self behind

So entranced. Her eyes wouldn’t close.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

So wet. Her hands were betraying her.

Empty your mind, leave your old self behind

So helpless. She saw only the spiral.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

So blank. She was forgetting why she’d wanted to stop.

Empty your mind, leave your old self behind

To be continued…

Created for @ladyandthetrance, using pictures of her lovely self that she was gracious enough to share with us.


the spiral was riveting staring and sinking is

Feb 12 2016
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The spiral was riveting.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

It was getting harder and harder to look away.

Stroke, sink, and play, toys must obey

She was paralyzed, and her body just kept getting more relaxed.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

Except her pussy, which was demanding more of her dwindling attention.

Stroke, sink, and play, toys must obey

Her hands were moving on their own, she couldn’t stop.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

At the first touch, electric even through her panties, she moaned.

Stroke, sink, and play, toys must obey

To be continued…

Created for @ladyandthetrance, using pictures of her lovely self that she was gracious enough to share with us.


jess pressed herself into the corner sinking to

Feb 11 2016
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Jess pressed herself into the corner, sinking to the floor. Fuck She’d forgotten about the mirror.

She’d run without thinking, desperate to get away. She might not escape the voices,

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

The moaning, mindless, relentless voices,

Play and obey, stroke your weak mind away

The voices might follow her, but at least she’d escape the spiral.

Staring and sinking is better than thinking

But she’d forgotten the mirror.

Play and obey, stroke your weak mind away

She stared. And sank. And soon, she turned. She pressed herself into the corner, sinking to the floor. She couldn’t escape the spiral.

To be continued…

Created for @ladyandthetrance, using pictures of her lovely self that she was gracious enough to share with us.


you broke the lock on the door and thats where

Feb 11 2016
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You broke the lock on the door, and that’s where you found her. Their treatments had left her unrecognizable. But you knew. You knew it was her. You’d beaten the lights and the sounds, the gas, the needles, all to find her. And now, together, you would escape.

The door clicked shut behind you. On the back was a mirror.

And when you saw how your hair and eyes had also drained of colour,

You forgot how to scream.

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