The Cold, Empty Hallway Seemed So… Familiar

Feb 17 2019
fiction // comments

As she strutted back down the hall, she ran her hands through her long, dark ponytail. Hadn’t she just done this? The cold, empty hallway seemed so… familiar, like she’d been here before. Recently.

The air was chilly against her tanned skin in every place except where the Suit suckled her nerve endings, overwhelming her body with pleasure. She had a vague notion the pleasure might be making it hard for her to think, hard to remember… but then she pivoted on her heels and started walking back towards… towards…

She sort of recognized the thing as a camera, but it was the iPad strapped above the lens that captured her gaze. There was a scintillating spiral spinning on the screen, the Suit fracturing the light so it spilled off her body in fragments that glittered on the walls and would have distracted her had she not been so deeply entranced by the spiral.

Whether or not she had seen the spiral before failed to cross her mind. How many laps she’d made up and down the hallway, posing and posturing in the slinky Suit for whoever was watching through the camera… that was long gone.

Only the mind-scrubbing spiral remained.

She struck a sexy pose for the camera, lips parting automatically. As she turned, the spiral slipped from her mind again. And with every step sluggish thoughts started to form. As she strutted back down the hall, she ran her hands through her long, dark ponytail. Hadn’t she just done this? The cold, empty hallway seemed so… familiar, like she’d been here before. Recently.

The air was chilly against her tanned skin in every place except where the Suit suckled her nerve endings, overwhelming her body with pleasure. She had a vague notion the pleasure might be making it hard for her to think, hard to remember… but then she pivoted on her heels.

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