Tired Eyes Make a Tired Mind

Dec 11 2019
fiction // comments
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“It’s hard to focus when it’s so close!”

“Don’t worry, silly. The point isn’t to focus, the point is to make your eyes tired.”

“Why are my eyes supposed to be tired?”

“Because tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“If you say so…”

“It’s not what I say, baby, it’s what you tell yourself. Try it: ‘Tired eyes make a tired mind.’”


“You wanted to be hypnotized, right?”


“Then be a good girl and do what you’re told.”

Tsk! Fine! Tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“Good girl. Just watch the pretty shiny, back and forth, and say it again.”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind. It is pretty, but I can hardly make it out!”

“It’s just a golden blur, isn’t it?”

“Yeah… exactly.”

“Say the words again.”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“That’s right. So hard to focus, so hard to keep your eyes on the pendant, but you have to watch it. Watch it, back and forth, so pretty. Say the words.”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“That’s right. Tired, sleepy mind. Heavy eyes, hard to think. Say the words.”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“Good girl. Watching the pretty, flash, flash, heavy, tired eyes.”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“That’s right. Eyes getting so heavy, mind getting so heavy, hard to think, easy to sink…”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind.” “Good girl, baby. Eyes so heavy, mind so empty, sleep without sleeping, watch without watching, speak without thinking.”

“Tired eyes make a tired mind.”

“That’s right. See the pretty shiny slow down now, slow down. Slow down, now, way, way down.”

“Tired… eyes make… tired… mind.”

“Good girl, that’s it. So sleepy, baby, sleepy, you just want to sleep for me. Just want to sleep. Eyes so heavy, mind so empty, sleep for me now, baby. Sleep.”

“Tired… Eyes. Make a. Tired… tired… mmmmm…. mind.”

“Thaaaat’s right, baby. No need to speak anymore. Just shut your eyes, shut your eyes, and sleep. Deep sleep. Doing so well. Sleep for me now.”

“T-tired… mmmm… sssssleeeeeep.”

“Such a good girl. So deep for me now. We’re gonna have so much fun!”

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