Author’s Note: Originally posted on Tumblr with: (Trancey language follows, with a reblog suggestion. Guide yourself accordingly.)
Not your typical spiral. So if you were going to have someone focus on it, like as a hypnotic focus, well…
You might tell them to stare at the center.
To notice, as the rings swell and pulse, gently
How there’s this limit
How none of the rings,
Red, yellow, blue, green,
Ever quite cross that invisible threshold around the center
The center remains still,
Watch the center, and relax
Watch as it remains
As the rings slowly pulse and flow
As the colours move in gentle,
Almost lazy patterns
Around the center
So still
So empty
So blank
Sink deep into the center
As the colours shift and swell
And obey their threshold, never crossing
Never intruding into the center
The still
Center. Are you still staring?
Deep, deep into the center
You might find you’ve become
So still
So empty
So blank
As you stare into the center
And if that’s how you’ve begun to feel,
You can reblog this image, and add
“I am still. I am empty. I am blank.”
To share the pleasant, soothing sensation
Of a still, relaxed body
Of an empty, enchanted mind
Of a blank, hypnotised gaze
And you can enjoy that sensation for as long as you like,
Waiting until you’re ready to read the upcoming awakener
Remaining still
Remaining empty
Remaining blank
Until it’s time to awaken, gently, easily, and completely, now.
Waking up now. Stretching, smiling, enjoying. You’ve done so well.