Tagged with masturbation


Mar 30 2020
fiction // comments

Author’s Note: I’ll go ahead and leave the inspiration for this story to your imagination. 🙄

She heard the first throb of the subwoofer through the wall, and Erica glanced at her phone. Yup, 10:00 PM, just like every night. Just like every night, she was trying to …

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The Voice

Nov 7 2019
fiction // comments

She lay in the dark, and The Voice began to whisper. It drifted with her fingers along her naked skin, across the zebra-stripes of light and dark that the window blinds left along her thighs and breasts, raising goosebumps along her dark sensitive curves. The Voice stirred a hunger deep …

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Just a Regular Day

Nov 5 2019
fiction // 2,237 words // 10 min read // comments

I was running late, so I didn't have time for much more than a peck on the cheek as she handed me my lunch bag. It was the same one she'd bought me when I took the job, ten years ago, and it had more or less the same lunch …

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Before She Could Even Sit Down

Dec 13 2018
fiction // 621 words // 3 min read // comments

The trigger was so strong it took her before she could even sit down.

Sitting down would have been a blessing after all day in the stilettos, but she had dressed without thinking and looked in the mirror and almost came with how sexy she looked, how on-display, how perfectly …

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Too Good to Stop

Dec 10 2018
fiction // comments

“Y-you’re right… it feels… ohhhh, too good to stop!” Meghan opened her eyes and tried to focus on Elaine. Tall and tanned with shoulders bare in her bridesmaid’s dress, the other woman had her hands on her hips and the sort of smirk on her lips that the …

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